前天,篮网战胜老鹰,豪取10连胜,战绩来到东部第二,也是全联盟第二好的战绩(在今天雄鹿战胜森林狼队之前)。对于全联盟战绩最好的两支球队各自的二人组谁更强?美媒Hoop Central今天凌晨晒出杜兰特欧文、塔图姆布朗的合照并发问:现在哪个二人组更强?引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!
Tatum is better than KD and Brown is better than Kyrie rn this isn't even close ☠️
Even if you think KD is better than Tatum, the gap between Kyrie and Brown is way bigger, and the Jays work better as a duo than the unreliable brothers.
Come on the one with rings